I have this new kid in class and at first she was quiet but then she started to reveal her true identity and her true identity is quite the opposite of what i thought of her i thought she *was* quiet but no she's talkative as fuck some of the girls in my class just don't lile her and when i ignore her she'd be sulking like girl wtf and then the teacher sat me FARRRR away from her thank God and then she starts talking more to my ex plus she uses rough words with others but became an angel with my ex. And then she fucking PULLED MY MALE FRIEND'S HAIR and i told her not to do it cuz in our religion girls can't touch boys unless they're married or a family and then she said "I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT" and did it TWICE. And then when i say a word to her she would say a billion back to me. What the fawk right? And then she would act like a baby and the teachers always caught her talking to me but i didn't talk to her back so im safe. But i seriously don't like her AT ALL. She's the last child in her family so im pretty sure she gets whatever she wants. And then she asked for my number so i gave it to her and then she texted me for a pic of our mid year exam's schedule and im like "this bitch she got the fucking schedule" and till now ive never took a pic of the schedule or give it to her HAHAHAHA i hate her so fucking much. End of story.