Ok no breaks lol #saveamerica #politicalmemes
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E_god Chocolate chocolate chip
x1l3550nx No JCW you should load your shotgun with Doom Slayer intent and rip and tear until it’s done~
5b9tgbbn4b He said 😐
Mousymouse0728 Reasons why I hate people, number one: this bullshit, arguing over stupid politics
Spooky_Apexfan Biden’s very stupid
TheRealCreamster #saveamerica? Yea from trumps debris that he left behind
poopylicious Still better than the president before him
x_Jedi_x Ngl this is the best meme with this template that I have ever seen.
TheRealCreamster Yes for the better
satisfying_poop Yo stfu he’s the best president we’ve ever had in the 21st century
A_very_cool_cat Ok I get it but I’m not a American guy
JCarter0322 Don’t just take a break from them, get rid of them for good.
American_Memer Aye JC you should check out my apolitical memes and tell me if they’re any good😂
PizzaPineapple Actually jcw u shouldn’t take a break lol
What_do_i_do Щршгр ГРк вгща цврыщв встт
• ReplyE_god Chocolate chocolate chip
• Replyx1l3550nx No JCW you should load your shotgun with Doom Slayer intent and rip and tear until it’s done~
5b9tgbbn4b He said 😐
• ReplyMousymouse0728 Reasons why I hate people, number one: this bullshit, arguing over stupid politics
• ReplySpooky_Apexfan Biden’s very stupid
• ReplyTheRealCreamster #saveamerica? Yea from trumps debris that he left behind
• Replypoopylicious Still better than the president before him
• Replyx_Jedi_x Ngl this is the best meme with this template that I have ever seen.
• ReplyTheRealCreamster Yes for the better
• Replysatisfying_poop Yo stfu he’s the best president we’ve ever had in the 21st century
• ReplyA_very_cool_cat Ok I get it but I’m not a American guy
• ReplyJCarter0322 Don’t just take a break from them, get rid of them for good.
• ReplyAmerican_Memer Aye JC you should check out my apolitical memes and tell me if they’re any good😂
• ReplyPizzaPineapple Actually jcw u shouldn’t take a break lol
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