Very clearly dumber
The_Simulator87 pretty much all feminists are mentally retarded
bruh_is_taken Me and the boys making a beat while saying “Another reason why we hate girls” (not true tho we just do that as a joke)
Making_N_Stealing The mental gymnastics women have to create to avoid accountability. 😂
ZyiiUMhQWi Amber herd
surfinsafari_sunny This ain’t even feminism, it’s tiktok feminism in other words, misandry
paul.mcpoopieface I swear most celebrities aren’t even human
The_Simulator87 i’m not against women but these feminists are so fucking stupid
Sensei_Aizawa the “fell off and hit the concrete ground as a baby” kind of stupid
The_Simulator87 pretty much all feminists are mentally retarded
• Replybruh_is_taken Me and the boys making a beat while saying “Another reason why we hate girls” (not true tho we just do that as a joke)
Making_N_Stealing The mental gymnastics women have to create to avoid accountability. 😂
• ReplyZyiiUMhQWi Amber herd
• Replysurfinsafari_sunny This ain’t even feminism, it’s tiktok feminism in other words, misandry
• Replypaul.mcpoopieface I swear most celebrities aren’t even human
• ReplyThe_Simulator87 i’m not against women but these feminists are so fucking stupid
• ReplySensei_Aizawa the “fell off and hit the concrete ground as a baby” kind of stupid
• Reply