For these reasons I will be privating my Instagram until this shit is sorted!
im_johnny I wanna die!
Autists what the fuck is project pridefall
War_Criminality 2020 is really f|_|ked up
froggie123 I’m becoming s t r a i g h t
spooky_itsyaboi968 I will destroy the haters
jaebumsforehead First the “fancam” situation, now this?? Holy shit this is horrible!
DoNotWorrySenpai I surport but I’m not lgbt, this is scary, who would be this sick to do this
im_johnny I wanna die!
• ReplyAutists what the fuck is project pridefall
• ReplyWar_Criminality 2020 is really f|_|ked up
• Replyfroggie123 I’m becoming s t r a i g h t
• Replyspooky_itsyaboi968 I will destroy the haters
• Replyjaebumsforehead First the “fancam” situation, now this?? Holy shit this is horrible!
• ReplyDoNotWorrySenpai I surport but I’m not lgbt, this is scary, who would be this sick to do this
• Reply