Reposted AbelReal
Ducky_01 WHERE
moltenfreddy What’s you car color
wise_waffle crush name
Laserbeam5550 Are you gay
mrchickenwings How did you get so popular
meinparticular Hella late, but do you think I could actually become popular on this app?
untitled_Illusions Would you try Chick-fil-A sauce with pancakes (please trust me it’s delicious)
Sleepy_boy Dis my face reveal you like me??
junn_999 Favourite song ?
Moooooooo.1 Are you single
AbelReal Why are you so into astoflo?
Commanewism_real Would you rather watch sailor moon or astoflo?
Ducky_01 WHERE
• Replymoltenfreddy What’s you car color
• Replywise_waffle crush name
• ReplyLaserbeam5550 Are you gay
• Replymrchickenwings How did you get so popular
• Replymeinparticular Hella late, but do you think I could actually become popular on this app?
• Replyuntitled_Illusions Would you try Chick-fil-A sauce with pancakes (please trust me it’s delicious)
• ReplySleepy_boy Dis my face reveal you like me??
junn_999 Favourite song ?
• ReplyMoooooooo.1 Are you single
• ReplyAbelReal Why are you so into astoflo?
• ReplyCommanewism_real Would you rather watch sailor moon or astoflo?
• Reply