todoroki_fan730 Every damn time
joemamaurboss Every time
i_love_art That meme picture is just like what my brain wants to do when that happens to me but all I do is get a stress ball or something
Ace_The_Raboot Google Classroom in a nutshell
AshTheDrawer This happens to me on my homework 😒
noodle_cat •_• NOOOOOOO
derpy_memer28 Same
Thisaccounthasbeenban DIE HOE ASSS BITCH FAGGOT
Nameless_Person Kawaii pls answer me I am sad
hello_oof So true ðŸ˜ðŸ˜”
leoking101 True
toocheekiforthisbreeki When it happens it's not very cheeki breeki
todoroki_fan730 Every damn time
• Replyjoemamaurboss Every time
• Replypenguin_butthole
i_love_art That meme picture is just like what my brain wants to do when that happens to me but all I do is get a stress ball or something
• ReplyAce_The_Raboot Google Classroom in a nutshell
AshTheDrawer This happens to me on my homework 😒
• Replynoodle_cat •_• NOOOOOOO
• Replyderpy_memer28 Same
• ReplyThisaccounthasbeenban DIE HOE ASSS BITCH FAGGOT
• ReplyNameless_Person Kawaii pls answer me I am sad
• Replyhello_oof So true ðŸ˜ðŸ˜”
• Replyleoking101
leoking101 True
• Replytoocheekiforthisbreeki When it happens it's not very cheeki breeki
• Reply