And to talk a person out of suicide is hard. It\u2019s scary, too. The fact of knowing that you could be the last person they talk to. Said their final words to. Even if they choose not to commit suicide but attempted, the person helping, especially that of someone close, takes a lot mental strain. Just please don\u2019t ever consider suicide an option as it isn\u2019t an option. Seek help that\u2019s out there.

I want to discuss something. This something is a very sensitive subject. It is an illness that is overlooked easily. Suicide. The word itself sends shivers down even the darkest person. Please know that there is help. Don’t ignore the begs from those that want you around. Whether it’s from multiple people or one person. You may relieve yourself of your pain, but you will only cause immense pain to those that love you. Just always remember that even when you think no one cares about you, there is always that one person that loses a part of themselves if you go. So please don’t ever consider suicide an option.
I want to discuss something. This something is a very sensitive subject. It is an illness that is overlooked easily. Suicide. The word itself sends shivers down even the darkest person. Please know that there is help. Don’t ignore the begs from those that want you around. Whether it’s from multiple people or one person. You may relieve yourself of your pain, but you will only cause immense pain to those that love you. Just always remember that even when you think no one cares about you, there is always that one person that loses a part of themselves if you go. So please don’t ever consider suicide an option.
  • Frogking64 avatar

    Frogking64 Thanks man, I means a lot.

  • No_Ociffer_Its_High_How_Are_You avatar

    No_Ociffer_Its_High_How_Are_You i've had a ex-friend try suicide by overdose, she failed. no matter how much i tried to tell her that there are people who care about her and that suicide isnt the option, we don't talk anymore because she believes i hurt her.

  • uneedhelp avatar

    uneedhelp i aint readin all that

  • the_merchant avatar

    the_merchant I don’t fucking care ima do it anyway

  • your_meme_a_day avatar

    your_meme_a_day This was a ticking time bomb, most of the world is toxic Abt this, my dad says: ‘there are many horrible people in this world, don’t be one of them’

  • MaggotBoi_MLP avatar

    MaggotBoi_MLP Damn bro I come here for a nose exhale not this

  • Hotdog_Man avatar

    Hotdog_Man Wheres the memes

  • Horror_Sans avatar

    Horror_Sans I agree. As someone who is suicidal I think about this a lot. But are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?

  • cheesybread456 avatar

    cheesybread456 Amen 🙏

  • EggoKirbo avatar

    EggoKirbo You couldn’t be more correct. I knew someone that was considering suicide, thankfully, they didn’t go through with it, but it was an absolute terrifying experience for her and the people she trusted with the subject.

  • Ilovebirbs4343 avatar

    Ilovebirbs4343 Dang bro everythin good?

  • chad_of_the_memes avatar

    chad_of_the_memes Did someone you know just commit?

  • ManMythLegend avatar

    ManMythLegend Hey man, did sonething happen? In my experience, usually this topic isn't brought up unless prompted by something. Everything alright?

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