I always feel so sad when he doesn\u2019t text me back, everything I do and put up with is for him. I know I probably sound selfish but I just miss him so fucking much it hurts at this point.
Comrade_cornchip Im sorry. Idk who you’re talking about but it sounds like you’re hurting. I’m here to talk if you need to.
PizzaPineapple L bozo
Angel_Dust_666 Lmao
Sb108Flamestep L
imjustway2funny4u Goofy
YourLocalGoof I seriously need to catch up on whats going on up in this app. Miss who?
Comrade_cornchip Im sorry. Idk who you’re talking about but it sounds like you’re hurting. I’m here to talk if you need to.
• ReplyPizzaPineapple L bozo
• ReplyAngel_Dust_666 Lmao
• ReplySb108Flamestep L
imjustway2funny4u Goofy
• ReplyYourLocalGoof I seriously need to catch up on whats going on up in this app. Miss who?
• Reply