I had a dude named eren in my life...something happened i opened up he said he wouldnt dip out on me and look he now has no contact with me....sound awfully familiar to drama dont it....if you wanna be happy heres my advice to you...dont love dont trust and dont think they are ypur everything bc in the end they will leave they all will...you will do something and in an instant the good memories wont even matter to them...dont do it its a trap

I have opened up to so many ppl including who I thought was the love of my life turns out all ppl are the same...no one cares abt who YOU are they just want to be recognized in your life...
I have opened up to so many ppl including who I thought was the love of my life turns out all ppl are the same...no one cares abt who YOU are they just want to be recognized in your life...
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