So the first step id to accept that not everyone is like you, the second step is to acknowledge the differences but don't base your judgement on the superficial like the appearance, the gender or the sexual orientation. Recently i saw some posts about how being gay is "not normal" and all, why do you care, you won't change other people's sexual orientation with this kind of post, if you're Christian, love your brother as jesus loved the humanz, if you're jewish, Muslim, or anything else, Buddhist, whatever, be nice and don't attack anyone. Peace is like the base of every monotheistic religion. You can always think that being gay is a sin, but do that with your friends or something idk, don't "shove your opinion down our throats" i personally don't care about what you have to say about gay peeps coz it won't change anything, nvm it will make some people mad, some sad. Again, this is a meme app meant to reunite peoples, not divide them. It's always the same peeps that keeps bringing negativity. Again if you believe in god, trust him, he will forgive and judge everyone so don't worry, everything is gonna be okay, no one is gonna harrass straight peeps and if kt happens it won't last coz some people still use their brains. don't assume my political opinions on this please, it would make you look like an idiot. I feel like this is messy, i prolly won't make too much sense but I hope that you get my point and if you disagree i hope that you will be ok to talk peacefully. Peace is the key yea feel free to repost this, i think it could be important for some people to see this, maybe it will be useless but at least I tried...i typed a lot lmao

i have an idea to fix every issue in the world, treat other peeps like humans, as you would like to be treated.
i have an idea to fix every issue in the world, treat other peeps like humans, as you would like to be treated.
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