So long

Hey If y’all haven’t noticed I don’t post here anymore so I’m making an official post saying that I’m leaving. I have been here for over 2 years and have had a good time but I have moved on to bigger and better things. If you are part of the 0.0000001% of people on this app that aren’t homophobic A-holes then I wish you a very good life, to the other 99.9999999%… not so much.
So long~MRlonghorn
Hey If y’all haven’t noticed I don’t post here anymore so I’m making an official post saying that I’m leaving. I have been here for over 2 years and have had a good time but I have moved on to bigger and better things. If you are part of the 0.0000001% of people on this app that aren’t homophobic A-holes then I wish you a very good life, to the other 99.9999999%… not so much.
So long~MRlonghorn
Recent Memes from MRlonghorn
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