Grandmas always coming through 🤣 (By @classickaren)
thebadguyduh Grandma always has to go over the top but we love it 😂
dbmaster777 That could be sweet.
j7r27cnyzx Lmao
DJ3 True
GalaxyBoi0503 Litterally
lonely.loser101 ikr 🤣🤣🤣
ChimmyCat123 My grandma does that a lot lol
grim_memer U guys get money from them I only get tender love and food
Brady_memer Now this is content
Ty_White_fanfiction 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Username0189 Happens all the time😂
Stupidos I-
Amaiya_Chan I can relate
THE_BEST_KING This happend to everyone
Umut_ButTR Dreams lmao
thebadguyduh Grandma always has to go over the top but we love it 😂
• Replydbmaster777 That could be sweet.
• Replyj7r27cnyzx Lmao
• ReplyDJ3 True
• ReplyGalaxyBoi0503 Litterally
• Replylonely.loser101 ikr 🤣🤣🤣
• ReplyChimmyCat123 My grandma does that a lot lol
• Replygrim_memer U guys get money from them I only get tender love and food
• ReplyBrady_memer Now this is content
• ReplyTy_White_fanfiction 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
• ReplyUsername0189 Happens all the time😂
• ReplyStupidos I-
• ReplyAmaiya_Chan I can relate
• ReplyTHE_BEST_KING This happend to everyone
• ReplyUmut_ButTR Dreams lmao
• Reply