It funny because its true😂
JpBoy_YT idk how to save this on my gallery
Woodall_parker Ugh is that a Burn Bunny I swear is that things coming towards me and knocking my door trying told to die I’m leaving I’m going to Las Vegas
dupree_a5 What is the title of that video so I can see for myself
El_Pizza Relatable
ARthedoggo Yep Fnaf
bored_boi1234 thats me when i wanna ask someone something
TweedleDumb25 Ok but literally William Afton when his toaster is gone
f4y4s9s5jv Yeah relatable
pizza_is_dank Thank you kind sir
pizza_is_dank So true
Your_Normal_Human This happens to everyone
Lmfao. Michael:Is that my father-?
wizzardtrixter My brightest moment
zMrBlackJackxWC did that like five minutes ago-
JpBoy_YT idk how to save this on my gallery
• ReplyWoodall_parker Ugh is that a Burn Bunny I swear is that things coming towards me and knocking my door trying told to die I’m leaving I’m going to Las Vegas
• Replydupree_a5 What is the title of that video so I can see for myself
• ReplyEl_Pizza Relatable
• ReplyARthedoggo Yep
• Fnaf
• Replybored_boi1234 thats me when i wanna ask someone something
• ReplyTweedleDumb25 Ok but literally William Afton when his toaster is gone
• Replyf4y4s9s5jv Yeah relatable
• Replypizza_is_dank Thank you kind sir
• Replypizza_is_dank So true
• ReplyYour_Normal_Human This happens to everyone
• ReplyLmfao. Michael:Is that my father-?
• Replywizzardtrixter My brightest moment
• ReplyzMrBlackJackxWC did that like five minutes ago-
• Reply