12x0 Lying ass bitch
Foxtrotrgt09 Um liar
c_a_r_l_o_s Fuck you
killjoy_weirdo Dude that’s obviously fake.
Elmo_StupIdiot Three. The number of brain cells you have
4X0 She never said that. You put words in her mouth, how bout we put words in your mouth eh?
_chicken_strip_ Actually, don’t find help, suffer in pain until you die
_chicken_strip_ R u fucking stupid? Go delete ur act and find mental help
12x0 Lying ass bitch
• ReplyFoxtrotrgt09 Um liar
• ReplyViolentBreadStik
• Replyc_a_r_l_o_s Fuck you
• Replykilljoy_weirdo Dude that’s obviously fake.
• ReplyElmo_StupIdiot Three. The number of brain cells you have
• Reply4X0 She never said that. You put words in her mouth, how bout we put words in your mouth eh?
• Reply_chicken_strip_ Actually, don’t find help, suffer in pain until you die
• Reply_chicken_strip_ R u fucking stupid? Go delete ur act and find mental help
• Reply