Double tap to edit “The Draco Reptilian” The Draco race arrived much earlier on the scene than other races, so they achieved a high level of technology and interstellar travel long before anyone else was around. Once they started exploring space they essentially took their own 3rd Density Matrix experience with them wherever they went, because that was the frequency their consciousness was most comfortable experiencing. It wasn’t too long before they figured out how to access the lower 4th Density as well; the “Astral plane” through technology, and that is the level of frequency where they tend to mostly hang out these days.

They were a race of self-serving, militaristic explorers; large and aggressive predators with no connection to Love and Unity consciousness.
Double tap to edit “The Draco Reptilian” The Draco race arrived much earlier on the scene than other races, so they achieved a high level of technology and interstellar travel long before anyone else was around. Once they started exploring space they essentially took their own 3rd Density Matrix experience with them wherever they went, because that was the frequency their consciousness was most comfortable experiencing. It wasn’t too long before they figured out how to access the lower 4th Density as well; the “Astral plane” through technology, and that is the level of frequency where they tend to mostly hang out these days.

They were a race of self-serving, militaristic explorers; large and aggressive predators with no connection to Love and Unity consciousness.
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