Double tap to edit “The Annunaki” A couple of millions of years after the Orion Wars ended, the Annunaki were getting into some trouble over in the Orion sector. Remember back to their origin during the Orion Wars — they were created as a race from a union between the leaders of The Federation and The Orion Empire, and from the beginning it was their mandate to be leaders as well. The fact that they were eventually rejected by the Galaxy, largely because of the reptilian and crossbreeds side of their heritage, left them with a pretty big chip on their collective shoulder.

So when the Orion War finally did end and Tiamat, who has her share of reptilian DNA as well (she is called the Dragon Queen for good reason) was given governorship over both our region of space as well as Orion, the Annunaki were righteously pissed off. This bitterness rotten until, in an excess of arrogance and stupidity, they launched an attack on Tiamat’s home planet and were easily defeated by the much larger and more advanced forces of the Dragon Queen.

Reposted stargazer04

stargazer04 avatar
Double tap to edit “The Annunaki” A couple of millions of years after the Orion Wars ended, the Annunaki were getting into some trouble over in the Orion sector. Remember back to their origin during the Orion Wars — they were created as a race from a union between the leaders of The Federation and The Orion Empire, and from the beginning it was their mandate to be leaders as well. The fact that they were eventually rejected by the Galaxy, largely because of the reptilian and crossbreeds side of their heritage, left them with a pretty big chip on their collective shoulder.

So when the Orion War finally did end and Tiamat, who has her share of reptilian DNA as well (she is called the Dragon Queen for good reason) was given governorship over both our region of space as well as Orion, the Annunaki were righteously pissed off. This bitterness rotten until, in an excess of arrogance and stupidity, they launched an attack on Tiamat’s home planet and were easily defeated by the much larger and more advanced forces of the Dragon Queen.
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