Double tap to edit “Pharaoh Akhenaten” Ahmose I, was also the pharaoh who fused Amun with the Egyptian Sun god RA, making Amun-RA (aka Marduk) the chief deity of the Egyptian Empire which lasted throughout the whole 18th Dynasty and some (16th to 11th centuries Before Christ). With the exception of “Pharaoh Akhenaten” who changed the capital to Amarna, Egypt and established a religious revolutionary; “Atenism or Atonism or the Aten religion or also called the Amarna religion which was the worship of the god Aten that depicted as the disk of the Sun. It was the belief that there was only one all-supreme being referred to as God. This change was also extreme and authoritarian by forcing conversions and prohibiting all opposition. Soon after Akhenaten’s rule, his son, “King Tut or Pharaoh Tutankhamun” returned to the Egyptian religion that centered many Egyptian gods and making Amun-RA (aka Marduk) once again the all supreme deity.