ToonLunar Not enough ketchup to fry ratio though
ToonLunar The food looks so good
FurrySlayer29 bros got ketchup in a gravy bowl
GigachadMemes Those fries look amazing
The_last_sigmmale What the hell make the square burger?
relatablememeshere Minecraft burger
VixtheCrossFox Okay, But Those Fries Be Looking Bussin’, Am I Right, Or Am I Right?
Garlok Why the burger SqUaRe?
Goofyahhhhhh2023 Those fry’s look mad bussin
Staycloudy That burger look it came straight from Minecraft forget the the top image let’s talk about this food lol💀
da_1_Simpmeister Fr tho, that burger looks good 🗿
hhii4000zgamingYT those aren’t balanced 😳
daniel-riordan You hit the jackpot
horny_henassy And I want all of it
horny_henassy There’s a lot of stuff to eat
ToonLunar Not enough ketchup to fry ratio though
• ReplyToonLunar The food looks so good
• ReplyFurrySlayer29 bros got ketchup in a gravy bowl
• ReplyGigachadMemes Those fries look amazing
• ReplyThe_last_sigmmale What the hell make the square burger?
• Replyrelatablememeshere Minecraft burger
• ReplyVixtheCrossFox Okay, But Those Fries Be Looking Bussin’, Am I Right, Or Am I Right?
• ReplyGarlok Why the burger SqUaRe?
• ReplyGoofyahhhhhh2023 Those fry’s look mad bussin
• ReplyStaycloudy That burger look it came straight from Minecraft forget the the top image let’s talk about this food lol💀
• Replyda_1_Simpmeister Fr tho, that burger looks good 🗿
• Replyhhii4000zgamingYT those aren’t balanced 😳
• Replydaniel-riordan You hit the jackpot
• Replyhorny_henassy And I want all of it
• Replyhorny_henassy There’s a lot of stuff to eat
• Reply