Join if you want. I\u2019m almost always on discord lmao. #mypostsareshitlol
dillbobmoo Call me im_turtle and your watching Disney channel also I joined lol
The_Pyro I am scared of the "Dude, stop already! THIS is just one of the MULTIPLE reasons, why u got banned from my discord server!"
KING_BARNEY It’s expired can you just send me the invite on discord @killjoy_weirdo
fluffy_doge Yeeeeeeee
starkpandey i joined :)
cyborgdante me casually clicking the link thinkng it will open discord
WormOnAString. Worm on a string
majestic_lion Id join but discord doesnt work on my phone and I have no clue why.
Papafeather. I would but I cant because of some stupid error that happens every time I try to register
dillbobmoo Call me im_turtle and your watching Disney channel also I joined lol
• ReplyThe_Pyro I am scared of the "Dude, stop already! THIS is just one of the MULTIPLE reasons, why u got banned from my discord server!"
• ReplyKING_BARNEY It’s expired can you just send me the invite on discord @killjoy_weirdo
• Replyfluffy_doge Yeeeeeeee
• Replystarkpandey i joined :)
• Replycyborgdante me casually clicking the link thinkng it will open discord
• ReplyWormOnAString. Worm on a string
majestic_lion Id join but discord doesnt work on my phone and I have no clue why.
• ReplyPapafeather. I would but I cant because of some stupid error that happens every time I try to register
• Reply