I love dino nuggies :D #dogememegod
Damn.Goku C
Yournotsordinary_guy Yes they indeed are
husaria_polska Dip them in hot sauce
blockayboi_8158 Bro not even gonna lie I don’t just like ‘em for the clout but cuz they are actually rly good tasting
bigbaddadpower I’m ur biggest fan sir. My answer: HELL NO HOW COULD I CHANGE UR MONG THAT AINT POSSIBLE
Depressionator *changes his mond*
a_creeper Yes
84cheesey48 Don't change his mind pls
ninjamonkey_I_no_1 Haven’t tried them (pls pls pls don’t track me down and murder me cuz I’m not joking)
nicko. Can't disagree on that one,pure facts.
Velocijammer I can’t…
Damn.Goku C
• ReplyYournotsordinary_guy Yes they indeed are
• Replyhusaria_polska Dip them in hot sauce
• Replyblockayboi_8158 Bro not even gonna lie I don’t just like ‘em for the clout but cuz they are actually rly good tasting
• Replybigbaddadpower I’m ur biggest fan sir. My answer: HELL NO HOW COULD I CHANGE UR MONG THAT AINT POSSIBLE
• ReplyDepressionator *changes his mond*
• Replya_creeper Yes
• Reply84cheesey48 Don't change his mind pls
• Replyninjamonkey_I_no_1 Haven’t tried them (pls pls pls don’t track me down and murder me cuz I’m not joking)
• Replynicko. Can't disagree on that one,pure facts.
• ReplyVelocijammer I can’t…
• Reply