Reposted Foxtrot_Actual

Foxtrot_Actual avatar
  • icey_the_ice_wolf avatar

    icey_the_ice_wolf Bro I agree with this, the furry in this video deserves the hate they get, all of it. There isn’t an ounce of hate they don’t deserve

  • 4k47dude avatar

    4k47dude This makes me wanna build a pipe bomb and leave it at the next furry meeting

  • dogix avatar

    dogix Yeah well okay then that’s it


    IAMINYOURWALLS if this isnt satire ive met ww2 POWS from japan they were starved and beaten daily and most were killed

  • caleb254379 avatar


  • noodle_cat avatar

    noodle_cat Rip and tear

  • Slut_Assasin_V2 avatar

    Slut_Assasin_V2 We need to actually start a second holocaust and kill these Mfs

  • ThatOneSquid avatar

    ThatOneSquid ok

  • weirdmemer09 avatar

    weirdmemer09 My great grandfather stormed the beaches of normandy, i had the honor of meeting this wonderful man, this country is going downhill, nobody trusts anyone and both political party’s are corrupt, 🫡

  • Johnlongo6 avatar

    Johnlongo6 Go tho FUCKING HELL FURRYS MY Dads grand father was in the FUCKING pacific war and he my dads grandfather died last year so fuck furrys!

  • InfinityKermit17 avatar

    InfinityKermit17 Hey is this guy gay or am I mistaken

  • Johnlongo6 avatar

    Johnlongo6 Fuking hell this makes me want an air soft gun even more holy shit fuck furrys

  • Not_a_sithlord avatar

    Not_a_sithlord I am appalled by this it is unbelievable that they think they have a higher rank than a wwII soldier

  • Not_a_sithlord avatar

    Not_a_sithlord This is an absolute disgrace to the human race the fact that we live on the same planet as these people makes me sick I can only pray that future generations don’t end up like this

  • FireyBFB avatar

    FireyBFB Holy fucking Christ, the furries have gone too far. I’m wanting to be a astronaut (for reasons, because I study space a lot) and it requires me to be in what my stepdad was in. This is going too far. I’m losing my patience and brain cells because of these fucking perverts

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