oh my gosh They are Bananas!!!!!! [This sounds like bananass*]
5wmfvyqdyt B A N N A S
online_stranger So just to clarify there still bananas right
Lexalator In the bottom right corner it says “they are bananas”
Kirby.U Woowwww in the corner it says they’re still bananas
XD73727237 xD
M_800 I don’t get it
jo_mama_9999 They are then upside down bananas
silasking507 In the top left corner when you you turn you phone upside down it says “these are bananas”
army.memer Wow 🤣
user352983582826 For the people who don’t understand: At the bottom of the picture, there is a small text that says “they are bananas” upside down. So when you turn your device upside down you will see the text.
stingy.spoilero It doesn’t make any sense
SirCharles44 Bananas = upside down bananas
kklaflamme They are still bananas
BattleLord02 Top corner
BattleLord02 Read the words
5wmfvyqdyt B A N N A S
• Replyonline_stranger So just to clarify there still bananas right
• ReplyLexalator In the bottom right corner it says “they are bananas”
• ReplyKirby.U Woowwww in the corner it says they’re still bananas
• ReplyXD73727237 xD
• ReplyM_800 I don’t get it
• Replyjo_mama_9999 They are then upside down bananas
• Replysilasking507 In the top left corner when you you turn you phone upside down it says “these are bananas”
• Replyarmy.memer Wow 🤣
• Replyuser352983582826 For the people who don’t understand: At the bottom of the picture, there is a small text that says “they are bananas” upside down. So when you turn your device upside down you will see the text.
• Replystingy.spoilero It doesn’t make any sense
• ReplySirCharles44 Bananas = upside down bananas
• Replykklaflamme They are still bananas
• ReplyBattleLord02 Top corner
• ReplyBattleLord02 Read the words
• Reply