wantsomfreemilk Sadolf heklet
I_eat_nuts That haircut tho 😩
R0UGE_Shadow355 Mien svamp
ToXiC____ Blood of jews
Joy_Nelly Bruuh noo poor Shrek, he looks like Hitler. Now I wanna see him with Stalin's hair and mustache
molly1638274 Looks like my brother
fritz_electroscreech Shrek never talked about his evil twin once in his marriage
Bureq why
burnt_cheeze A sour krout
burnt_cheeze Omg…
burnt_cheeze He looks like candy
atetaj2012 😂
yeeter71e1 Hay my sister
wantsomfreemilk Sadolf heklet
• ReplyI_eat_nuts That haircut tho 😩
• ReplyR0UGE_Shadow355 Mien svamp
• ReplyZ1MBA
ToXiC____ Blood of jews
• ReplyJoy_Nelly Bruuh noo poor Shrek, he looks like Hitler. Now I wanna see him with Stalin's hair and mustache
• Replymolly1638274 Looks like my brother
• Replyfritz_electroscreech Shrek never talked about his evil twin once in his marriage
• ReplyBureq why
• Replyburnt_cheeze A sour krout
• Replyburnt_cheeze Omg…
• Replyburnt_cheeze He looks like candy
• Replyatetaj2012 😂
• Replyyeeter71e1 Hay my sister
• Reply