unconsistent Imagine stating facts like fr
theunkillable_toast Nokia players: i am 4 parallel universes ahead of you
ultimate_wierdo Yea
Cheeto_diabeeto You can get a gaming pc and connect it to PS4 to use cheats undetectably
ZombieMiner23 tHa’ iS a CoNtRolLaH pLaYaH
Isuku_Midoriya I play pc
Predator555 Apex
volintiru-isaia I’m lucky because I’m playing on ps3
the_meme_queen2442 Logs off ps4
Ace_The_Rabbit Nintendo in the back with a Mario Stand saying “Are you sure about that” and beats the living hell out of them
IdioticGamer nobody else like this we’ve got a 69
fAtMeMeGuY I can relate to this
youngfellahamandcheese Slap that keyboard on tekken dare you
unconsistent Imagine stating facts like fr
• Replytheunkillable_toast Nokia players: i am 4 parallel universes ahead of you
• Replyultimate_wierdo Yea
• ReplyCheeto_diabeeto You can get a gaming pc and connect it to PS4 to use cheats undetectably
• ReplyDEADMANmemes PS4 LIFE
• ReplyZombieMiner23 tHa’ iS a CoNtRolLaH pLaYaH
• ReplyIsuku_Midoriya I play pc
• ReplyPredator555 Apex
volintiru-isaia I’m lucky because I’m playing on ps3
• Replythe_meme_queen2442 Logs off ps4
• ReplyAce_The_Rabbit Nintendo in the back with a Mario Stand saying “Are you sure about that” and beats the living hell out of them
IdioticGamer nobody else like this we’ve got a 69
• ReplyfAtMeMeGuY I can relate to this
• Replyneo_the_leapord
youngfellahamandcheese Slap that keyboard on tekken dare you
• Reply