joemamaurboss Man tells wife he married the wrong twin
duhmobetta Every married man has been to these points... its called regret
user352983582826 Hah
FnfAndKpopFan Welp
meme_maker_lol_ this is why i have trust issues๐๐ญ
mXnSuR When you are a are
Viverzze.memes_dzz follow me plz ๐๐โค๏ธ
PapaHumorist When your comment gets more likes then the memes you post
MemerMillie.exe OH NO ITS AT 666 LIKES
tomboymemes61 And legend says hes still being slapped accros the face
ultimate_wierdo At this point they were gonna get a divorce
ThatMemerNamedBeck Prenk
sjjshshsbsbsv Sjjs
Hey_Its_Minato Big Oof
joemamaurboss Man tells wife he married the wrong twin
• Replyduhmobetta Every married man has been to these points... its called regret
• Replyuser352983582826 Hah
• ReplyFnfAndKpopFan Welp
• Replymeme_maker_lol_ this is why i have trust issues๐๐ญ
• ReplymXnSuR When you are a are
• ReplyViverzze.memes_dzz follow me plz ๐๐โค๏ธ
• ReplyPapaHumorist When your comment gets more likes then the memes you post
• ReplyMemerMillie.exe OH NO ITS AT 666 LIKES
• Replytomboymemes61 And legend says hes still being slapped accros the face
• Replyultimate_wierdo At this point they were gonna get a divorce
• ReplyThatMemerNamedBeck Prenk
• Replysjjshshsbsbsv
sjjshshsbsbsv Sjjs
• ReplyHey_Its_Minato Big Oof
• Reply