O m g this is too true😂
Bocklazer Yes
bruhshutup2010 Ikr 😼
MemesAreFunniLol let’s go to this totally not suspicious portal that does not lead to a different dimension
annyy_5070 This is really love😍😍
mohindersb No one ever came back so we might never know if its true
VODKA_MAN.com H whhh hhhhhhhhhhhh
adorkable_nerd When your mom meets her friend
adamhac39 Mok
adamhac39 Mal moi hmara
no_longer_here is that a nether portal irl?
Nova_Prime This makes me think Kingdom Hearts
chonkstonk So true lmao
pure_gigglememes How do you remove the space bar in your memes on your posts
Bocklazer Yes
• Replybruhshutup2010 Ikr 😼
• ReplyMemesAreFunniLol let’s go to this totally not suspicious portal that does not lead to a different dimension
• Replyannyy_5070 This is really love😍😍
• Replymohindersb No one ever came back so we might never know if its true
• ReplyVODKA_MAN.com H whhh hhhhhhhhhhhh
• Replyadorkable_nerd When your mom meets her friend
• Replyadamhac39 Mok
• Replyadamhac39 Mal moi hmara
• ReplyJade_sing
no_longer_here is that a nether portal irl?
• ReplyNova_Prime This makes me think Kingdom Hearts
• Replychonkstonk So true lmao
• Replypure_gigglememes How do you remove the space bar in your memes on your posts
• ReplyChonkers