Every Time Dad drinks TEQUILA and Eats the worm He gives the kids $200 dollars in spending MONEY\ud83d\udcb0 but make them spend it before they go back to their moms house In N E Portland , But dad has a Cruel sense of humor cuz mom can\u2019t pay rent , cause she said COVID ruined her life and all that unemployment \ud83d\udcb5 didn\u2019t make her any happier AFTER she blew it all partying and STILL got sick \ud83d\ude37 anyway ... So they flew GRANDMA in from UTAH cause she\u2019s ONE of ten wives and 69 kids Married To the Pastor up there at the MORMON church of latter day Taints , and she really knows how to take care of the Family and loves you guys ... \ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc7d\ud83e\uddce\ud83c\udf0a\ud83d\udc7e\ud83d\ude08\ud83e\udd33 go follow \u270b\ud83d\udca5 \ud83d\udc49 @theheartless_poet for the PROPER DOSE OF SHORTER LIFE EXPECTANCY #memes\ud83d\ude02 #memes #memegod #backtothefuture