This brings me back

  • STEALT_BLADE avatar

    STEALT_BLADE @Grimmmm hold on i think i remember you from somewhere..

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal I can't repost for some reason😔

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal Ok so I was a dumbass for me to think it was your first post but I found it

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal Hold on, I will try to see if I can find it and repost it

  • AbelReal avatar

    AbelReal That kinda reminds me, remember that one edit (probably your first post) that you said was unfinished before?

  • 8zmcgb2pfw avatar

    8zmcgb2pfw Did you go back to an old post and find that old account of yours?

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