Gooey135 Its a joke!!!
DandyGuy98 you can't un-cheeze the cheeze
mental_illnesses Me rn
Staycloudy Bro was so physically shook he almost broke nature and gagged😂( rats physically can’t gag for those that don’t know now you know)
bobyjeannotmylover So funny
bobyjeannotmylover Haha
Comrade_John_Wick Got me lol’d
Gooey135 Its a joke!!!
• ReplyDandyGuy98 you can't un-cheeze the cheeze
• Replymental_illnesses Me rn
• ReplyStaycloudy Bro was so physically shook he almost broke nature and gagged😂( rats physically can’t gag for those that don’t know now you know)
• Replybobyjeannotmylover So funny
• Replybobyjeannotmylover Haha
• ReplyComrade_John_Wick Got me lol’d
• Reply