What\u2019s better? Tik tok, or vine? I\u2019d say vine is better. #italianstringbeans \u200b #yeetus \u200b #\u30b7
bladsy08 I have never had the app vine so I don’t know what it is
ImmaYeetYouToSpace who?
cheerlicia How tf did it go from nobody to everyone
DoctorRed69 Vine!!
DailyDoseOfLamp Yesss
Anna_Bananaanannnana Vine is much better tiktok just steals your information
tha_meme_goddess_erf_life Yes just yes
mrragequit Damn I almost forgot about vine and now I miss it again
goosethegnome I would relate vine to being the better tik tok but I won’t because 1 tik tok sucks and 2 vine was to good for anything to be related to it
Yoshi0951 I miss vine
Yoshi0951 Lol
ARthedoggo Vine
pizza_is_dank So do you
milf_destroyer I mean tic
bladsy08 I have never had the app vine so I don’t know what it is
• ReplyImmaYeetYouToSpace who?
• Replycheerlicia How tf did it go from nobody to everyone
• ReplyDoctorRed69 Vine!!
• ReplyDailyDoseOfLamp Yesss
• ReplyAnna_Bananaanannnana Vine is much better tiktok just steals your information
• Replytha_meme_goddess_erf_life Yes just yes
• Replymrragequit Damn I almost forgot about vine and now I miss it again
• Replygoosethegnome I would relate vine to being the better tik tok but I won’t because 1 tik tok sucks and 2 vine was to good for anything to be related to it
• ReplyYoshi0951 I miss vine
• ReplyYoshi0951 Lol
• ReplyARthedoggo Vine
• Replypizza_is_dank So do you
• Replymilf_destroyer I mean tic
• Reply