Mr_Warlock Private things
memedocter2.0 idk whats yo fav food -.-
Joy_Nelly I'm so glad you are back😊 Hmm dunno.... What's your favorite animal?
Doge_Meme_God When will you do a face reveal, you don’t have to do it I’m just curious
Mousymouse0728 Do you like cats?
Z1MBA What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen Swallow?
Monkey_Master800 How tall are you
MissMaam If this isnt goku, when is goku coming back????
BoosieFade Is this actually you go ku?
HataNoKokoro Do yo liek drewings?1??
Meme_Lord_83 Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?
Dundiewinner_ How’s life
Mr_Warlock Private things
• Replymemedocter2.0 idk whats yo fav food -.-
• ReplyJoy_Nelly I'm so glad you are back😊 Hmm dunno.... What's your favorite animal?
• ReplyDoge_Meme_God When will you do a face reveal, you don’t have to do it I’m just curious
• ReplyMousymouse0728 Do you like cats?
• ReplyZ1MBA What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen Swallow?
• ReplyMonkey_Master800 How tall are you
• ReplyMissMaam If this isnt goku, when is goku coming back????
• ReplyBoosieFade Is this actually you go ku?
• ReplyHataNoKokoro Do yo liek drewings?1??
• ReplyMeme_Lord_83 Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?
• ReplyDundiewinner_ How’s life
• Reply