I have wait patiently, until this weekend Particularly this Saturday, I have been checking if they have upload any new video every time. Before I watch another YouTube channel, and anyways WOW! this video such a entertaining and a interesting video they ever created, their work have pay off. As Roi Fabito & Alex Burriss didn\u2019t know I also had been a fan since their first viral video Call Me Maybe Paraody. Unlike other Wassabians, I see them not as Internet personality, but as a normal people. My words of wisdom for Roi Fabito & Alex Wassabi work smart, have fun, having self-care, enjoy their personal lives away from professional YouTube job. Come back together feeling comfortable and be more happy, anyways see you next time when they have more new SpicyFruit & Wassabi Production new upload Mkay Bye! #wassabiproductionchannel #spicyfruitchannel #guavajuicechannel #alexwassabi #alexxislemire #jake #nick #Roifabito #andrewburriss #drewtubehd