giniah My mum lets me drink out of them .. but they aren’t glass they’re plastic.. I know amazing..
liaa3x This was me 🤣
tfareudoin alcoholicc
avabean1508 When my dad would have his friend over I would be the bar tender and I would take shots of apple juice when the take shots
amicque Lol so funny
queen_of_the_meme 🤣🤣🤣🤣
hxney_memes OMG that’s me that meeee !!!
amira2brqzyy Me and my mom just moved and we didn’t want to get the cups out the car and she only had wine glasses so I drank out of it and she showed me how to drink out a wine glass💀
how_so_u_turn_the_camera_on That is totally me
swaggerdog2837 That couldn’t be more true
TacoMemer9000 Omfg
froze apple wine
Memegod1013 So true😂
charlatte05 me w apple cider on new year’s eve
memetime76 i drunk fizzy water out of a champagne glass when i was 9 i am 10 now
giniah My mum lets me drink out of them .. but they aren’t glass they’re plastic.. I know amazing..
• Replyliaa3x This was me 🤣
• Replytfareudoin alcoholicc
• Replyavabean1508 When my dad would have his friend over I would be the bar tender and I would take shots of apple juice when the take shots
• Replyamicque Lol so funny
• Replyqueen_of_the_meme 🤣🤣🤣🤣
• Replyhxney_memes OMG that’s me that meeee !!!
• Replyamira2brqzyy Me and my mom just moved and we didn’t want to get the cups out the car and she only had wine glasses so I drank out of it and she showed me how to drink out a wine glass💀
• Replyhow_so_u_turn_the_camera_on That is totally me
• Replyswaggerdog2837 That couldn’t be more true
• ReplyTacoMemer9000 Omfg
• Replyfroze apple wine
• ReplyMemegod1013 So true😂
• Replycharlatte05 me w apple cider on new year’s eve
• Replymemetime76 i drunk fizzy water out of a champagne glass when i was 9 i am 10 now
• Reply