MaDSMP ✨I have heard this story so many times in the past and ty for this, I love it, It’s sad but still interesting 😌✨
Jennifer_Ittles Why not take your foot off the gas petal or whatever is on a motorcycle?
Baka__chan F
zMrBlackJackxWC damn wasnt expecting the story to be that sad
keafer Wow, that’s deep, and I could only imagine to do that with my gf, like the fact knowing that’s prolly the last time you’ll be with that person for those few seconds dang, that’s tough... he was a real man
MONKAY_1000 Awwwww Why didn't the two weat helmets tho
bruhwitdamemes f
Small_Human11 Dammmmmmm
surfinsafari_sunny Damn
killjoy_weirdo Oh my god I’m gonna cry...right the middle of the courtyard at school..
MaDSMP ✨I have heard this story so many times in the past and ty for this, I love it, It’s sad but still interesting 😌✨
• ReplyJennifer_Ittles Why not take your foot off the gas petal or whatever is on a motorcycle?
• ReplyBaka__chan F
• ReplyzMrBlackJackxWC damn wasnt expecting the story to be that sad
• Replykeafer Wow, that’s deep, and I could only imagine to do that with my gf, like the fact knowing that’s prolly the last time you’ll be with that person for those few seconds dang, that’s tough... he was a real man
• ReplyMONKAY_1000 Awwwww
• Why didn't the two weat helmets tho
• Replybruhwitdamemes f
• ReplySmall_Human11 Dammmmmmm
• Replysurfinsafari_sunny Damn
• Replykilljoy_weirdo Oh my god I’m gonna cry...right the middle of the courtyard at school..
• Reply