A.I.D.E.N. Hey is that me? Why is jotaro there?
frik_ya_chicken_stawips You made it to YouTube
sir_memes_alot929 The first one is high schoolers on the inside, second is high schoolers on the outside, third is anime high schoolers. I know this because I’m a high schooler
itsfreerealestatessssss Literally like NANI!?
iampotatohehe True lmao
millytheweirdmemer I love anime but this is true 😂
FkStudios How much Patrick is changeing colors thats how much i like the hype
FkStudios Ayyyyyy THE HYPE
Yea_no Stop stealing memes brush
tejedaisael6 They should I don't like her at night \uD83D\uDE1F
taktaksamir511 حبظك ليخ كف قهفة غثة بكف
A.I.D.E.N. Hey is that me? Why is jotaro there?
• ReplyTheVeryoddChannel
frik_ya_chicken_stawips You made it to YouTube
• Replysir_memes_alot929 The first one is high schoolers on the inside, second is high schoolers on the outside, third is anime high schoolers. I know this because I’m a high schooler
• Replyitsfreerealestatessssss Literally like NANI!?
• Replyiampotatohehe True lmao
• Replydawnlivenews
millytheweirdmemer I love anime but this is true 😂
• Replythe_0nly_anyla
FkStudios How much Patrick is changeing colors thats how much i like the hype
• ReplyFkStudios Ayyyyyy THE HYPE
• ReplyYea_no Stop stealing memes brush
• Replytejedaisael6 They should I don't like her at night \uD83D\uDE1F
taktaksamir511 حبظك ليخ كف قهفة غثة بكف
• Reply