Hold up
BadMemes4You Wait a minute
sillyy_guy Oof
ThE_mEmE_mAcHiNe6 Ha
sharkdrago Shit
frdnmememia God is one
frdnmememia You are right..i am muslim..we all are human.
the_winning_son r/cursedcomments
defnotamemeking Uh what...
xd_natsu Ight then
mrragequit Excuse me what the fuck
nipplz hahaha, wait a damn minute
Kamisamememes Well they all taste the same when cooked
crystalschic Hol' up
• ReplyBadMemes4You Wait a minute
• Replysillyy_guy Oof
• ReplyThE_mEmE_mAcHiNe6 Ha
• Replysharkdrago Shit
• Replyfrdnmememia God is one
• Replyfrdnmememia You are right..i am muslim..we all are human.
• Replythe_winning_son r/cursedcomments
defnotamemeking Uh what...
• Replyxd_natsu Ight then
• Replymrragequit Excuse me what the fuck
• Replynipplz hahaha, wait a damn minute
• ReplyKamisamememes Well they all taste the same when cooked
• Replycrystalschic Hol' up
• Reply