danandrews3 Ha ha ha
AvocadToast_Chan NOOOOOOO
Kovatar If God hated Karens as much as we do😂(also the fact that no one is sad that a joey died😂lmao)
xpvv9qxxk6 why did i laugh
bkbgccxsx5 Why would you post that?
The_Real_Judah God was not expecting made me jump the hell out of bed 😂🤣
Mr_BlueSky The video of the deer was filmed by one of my friends.
ShinyRaikou_army Lmfao
Hot_Bread_Memes Damm
heldbear_btw Noooo 🥺
LucyTheLab Road kill
zanman420 fucking L
Dog_meme_machine THAT SLAP
diamondmeme Rip
sahildarediya105 Selmon boi did his job
danandrews3 Ha ha ha
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan NOOOOOOO
• ReplyKovatar If God hated Karens as much as we do😂(also the fact that no one is sad that a joey died😂lmao)
• Replyxpvv9qxxk6 why did i laugh
• Replybkbgccxsx5 Why would you post that?
• ReplyThe_Real_Judah God was not expecting made me jump the hell out of bed 😂🤣
• ReplyMr_BlueSky The video of the deer was filmed by one of my friends.
• ReplyShinyRaikou_army Lmfao
• ReplyHot_Bread_Memes Damm
• Replyheldbear_btw Noooo 🥺
• ReplyLucyTheLab Road kill
• Replyzanman420 fucking L
• ReplyDog_meme_machine THAT SLAP
• Replydiamondmeme Rip
• Replysahildarediya105 Selmon boi did his job
• Reply