Melanie_vivas but can't toph use her earthbending to sence what they are doing
monke_n00bz Yay avatr
duckygirl Omg lol avatar
Jojobobo4747 Toph be like “Saw it before”
Ace_The_Rabbit Yo don’t judge them because they were just changing and there wasn’t a bush anywhere near
shadowtrap_YT Why is toph not interest in what she’s seeing- oh yeah, I forgot.. “seeing”
gust667 My friend touf here been seeing that for a long time
the_thiccc_boi Waitttt.....
VinagarDoppio For a second I thought the guy on the right was narancia from Jjba
alien.mama I-
Voldy_No_Nose Oop-
ANIMEWEEB_0_0 Congratulations my friend you got a girl
iamtootruetobetrue 🥳 congrats Avatar u saw that 🥳
Melanie_vivas but can't toph use her earthbending to sence what they are doing
• Replymonke_n00bz Yay avatr
• Replyduckygirl Omg lol avatar
• ReplyJojobobo4747 Toph be like “Saw it before”
• ReplyAce_The_Rabbit Yo don’t judge them because they were just changing and there wasn’t a bush anywhere near
• Replyshadowtrap_YT Why is toph not interest in what she’s seeing- oh yeah, I forgot.. “seeing”
• Replygust667 My friend touf here been seeing that for a long time
• ReplyKatiathememequeen
the_thiccc_boi Waitttt.....
• ReplyVinagarDoppio For a second I thought the guy on the right was narancia from Jjba
• Replyalien.mama I-
• ReplyVoldy_No_Nose Oop-
• ReplyANIMEWEEB_0_0 Congratulations my friend you got a girl
• Replyiamtootruetobetrue 🥳 congrats Avatar u saw that 🥳
• Reply