MythUberDriver .
marvel_time_123 Me after building a tiny house in Minecraft: *INTENSE BUILDING*
DammmmDaniel @Eddy4848
Hi_Im_Tay_Ig me picking flowers in Minecraft: shoves flowers up someone’s a-
Bilbo_Baggins_fan Me after taming a dog in Minecraft: *AGGRESSIVE TAMING* Saying video games cause violence is like saying hot wheels cause car crashes
BryceTheBodacious Me, adopting children in Skyrim:
AvocadToast_Chan Me after playing Minecraft: starts school shooting
Burned_Popcorn_Brigade Me after playing goat simulator: Jumps on giant fans, ties self to fireworks, explodes cars and licks police officers
MythUberDriver .
• Replyshapro
marvel_time_123 Me after building a tiny house in Minecraft: *INTENSE BUILDING*
• ReplyDammmmDaniel @Eddy4848
• ReplyHi_Im_Tay_Ig me picking flowers in Minecraft: shoves flowers up someone’s a-
• ReplyBilbo_Baggins_fan Me after taming a dog in Minecraft: *AGGRESSIVE TAMING*
• Saying video games cause violence is like saying hot wheels cause car crashes
• ReplyBryceTheBodacious Me, adopting children in Skyrim:
• ReplyAvocadToast_Chan Me after playing Minecraft: starts school shooting
• ReplyBurned_Popcorn_Brigade Me after playing goat simulator: Jumps on giant fans, ties self to fireworks, explodes cars and licks police officers
• Reply