Did you know? 🤣
curlyhairedloser I spend most of my time starting an argument and losing the argument to the wall and I lip sync to songs too😳
chase_is_cool somtimes i hear my parents just sit in there and also brush there teeth too btw im in school lol
Do_nut_stuff i do alot of meditating in the bathroom tbh, that peace and quiet sometimes get me going all day
memelord443345 My thoughts in the shower are about noodles
moon_goddess_96 I sing n dance
oofmaster9 and hump the floor
oofmaster9 And pretend to stick my dick in it
oofmaster9 I fuck the fossit
clownering erh eh ee
BendyMemer009 Menacingly
BendyMemer009 I just sit in there
Asylum_escapee Most important life decisions are made in the bathroom
zaireboothandfam omg not funny
brianrock_05 Beatbox
icantlikeit arguments concerts moodswings thinking about them or chilling
curlyhairedloser I spend most of my time starting an argument and losing the argument to the wall and I lip sync to songs too😳
• Replychase_is_cool somtimes i hear my parents just sit in there and also brush there teeth too btw im in school lol
• ReplyDo_nut_stuff i do alot of meditating in the bathroom tbh, that peace and quiet sometimes get me going all day
• Replymemelord443345 My thoughts in the shower are about noodles
• Replymoon_goddess_96 I sing n dance
• Replyoofmaster9 and hump the floor
• Replyoofmaster9 And pretend to stick my dick in it
• Replyoofmaster9 I fuck the fossit
• Replyclownering erh eh ee
• ReplyBendyMemer009 Menacingly
• ReplyBendyMemer009 I just sit in there
• ReplyAsylum_escapee Most important life decisions are made in the bathroom
• Replyzaireboothandfam omg not funny
• Replybrianrock_05 Beatbox
icantlikeit arguments concerts moodswings thinking about them or chilling
• Reply