Thalassophobia is the fear of sea or sea travel, also the fear of being in large bodies of water. Fear of the emptiness of the sea, the waves, and fear of distance from land.
ceo_of_fresh_memes No but i have tripaphobia
ellamellopee No but I hate fish after one bit my penis Yes my parents are trying to take me on a cruise ship but no honey. No way
ailed Ig i do
Bestlattice1 Yea
depressedXDinosaur Yesssss
cookiemonster_79 Yes I do
aadiitya Yes I have even this pic getting me scared
_sly_ Upon seeing the picture and definition I think I have it on an extreme level
hweseungs I think I do (❤ω❤)
awesomedogboss No not really No why
ceo_of_fresh_memes No but i have tripaphobia
• Replyellamellopee No but I hate fish after one bit my penis
• Yes my parents are trying to take me on a cruise ship but no honey. No way
• Replyailed Ig i do
• ReplyBestlattice1 Yea
• ReplydepressedXDinosaur Yesssss
• Replycookiemonster_79 Yes I do
• Replyaadiitya Yes I have even this pic getting me scared
• Reply_sly_ Upon seeing the picture and definition I think I have it on an extreme level
• Replyhweseungs I think I do (❤ω❤)
• Replyawesomedogboss No not really
• No why
• Reply