#quack #tacogang #noobsonly
Snackinonsnacks I forgot that the dog was my homework
FlyinFox Nah my teacher launched a tactical on me because of this 💀
CapyMax bro literally just made a entire IQ chart
Staycloudy Ain’t no way💀
Santa_poster_guy Bro I got beated up by the teacher after she heard this💀
Kennyfr1 REAL
Snackinonsnacks I forgot that the dog was my homework
• ReplyFlyinFox Nah my teacher launched a tactical on me because of this 💀
• ReplyCapyMax bro literally just made a entire IQ chart
• ReplyStaycloudy Ain’t no way💀
• ReplySanta_poster_guy Bro I got beated up by the teacher after she heard this💀
• ReplyKennyfr1 REAL
• Reply