Spooky_Sussy_Mars My Siri is an Australian male
cb_da_goatjk Mine the Australian dude
Gin_Ibushi How about indian one?
tank12345 Tbh I’ve always wanted a british accent
Joy_Nelly I expected Indian
THE_RUSSIAN_SPY I though it was going to go all the way to Indian before the meme hit
The_Crusader_93 The O5 Counsel approves
mynameisntmichael Road man approves
Spooky_Sussy_Mars My Siri is an Australian male
• Replycb_da_goatjk Mine the Australian dude
• ReplyGin_Ibushi How about indian one?
• Replytank12345 Tbh I’ve always wanted a british accent
• ReplyJoy_Nelly I expected Indian
• ReplyTHE_RUSSIAN_SPY I though it was going to go all the way to Indian before the meme hit
• ReplyThe_Crusader_93 The O5 Counsel approves
• Replymynameisntmichael Road man approves
• Reply