FnfAndKpopFan Helth
BTSFAN_1254 Dang 😂😂
J_Goodsman2020 Lol. U spelled health wrong
memetothememe Wow they really want us to starveyourself😗
DJ3 Lol
lionslolxd health*****
framed1964 Hahaha
you_found_natman No. They put special air in it to make the chips last longer. Also they weigh it by the ounce. Ik this bc my dad works for them
sillygirl11 21st!
sillygirl11 Don’t get it
Mr.OldFashionedMe Need to get tye likes to 420 no more no less
._Blank_. *buys 20 bags*
sillygirl11 What?
clean_wipes Ngl the person who owns pay kinda fat tho
FnfAndKpopFan Helth
• ReplyBTSFAN_1254 Dang 😂😂
• ReplyJ_Goodsman2020 Lol. U spelled health wrong
• Replymemetothememe Wow they really want us to starveyourself😗
• ReplyVODKA_MAN.com H E L T H
• ReplyDJ3 Lol
• Replylionslolxd health*****
• Replyframed1964 Hahaha
you_found_natman No. They put special air in it to make the chips last longer. Also they weigh it by the ounce. Ik this bc my dad works for them
• Replysillygirl11 21st!
• Replysillygirl11 Don’t get it
• ReplyMr.OldFashionedMe Need to get tye likes to 420 no more no less
• Reply._Blank_. *buys 20 bags*
• Replysillygirl11 What?
• Replyclean_wipes Ngl the person who owns pay kinda fat tho
• Reply