Yes. #mypostsareshitlol
reaperPRO Uh wtf this is what I’ve been thinking about did u look inside my mind for this?
clownering misplaced guilt though.
TheMotionEXOS Dam true
RussianSpy20976 Grow up
dhrutube a valid reason (seriously)
euphoria_23 He’s a creep I’d just say no on his face or maybe I’d shy away
nameless_drgreasy the giant enemy spider BUBUUBUUNUBUBJBBUBUBUBUBUBU
Soolking_Lover (Y) same
Blue_Kitty Spiders always 1st!
killjoy_weirdo so my dumbass bus driver told me to sit closer to the front and Idk why. Well he can’t make me do anything. And I’m listening to Backseat Serenade at full volume so I gotta sit back here for it to make sense-
reaperPRO Uh wtf this is what I’ve been thinking about did u look inside my mind for this?
• Replyclownering misplaced guilt though.
• ReplyTheMotionEXOS Dam true
• ReplyRussianSpy20976 Grow up
• Replydhrutube a valid reason (seriously)
• Replyeuphoria_23 He’s a creep I’d just say no on his face or maybe I’d shy away
• Replynameless_drgreasy the giant enemy spider BUBUUBUUNUBUBJBBUBUBUBUBUBU
• ReplySoolking_Lover (Y) same
• ReplyBlue_Kitty Spiders always 1st!
• Replykilljoy_weirdo so my dumbass bus driver told me to sit closer to the front and Idk why. Well he can’t make me do anything. And I’m listening to Backseat Serenade at full volume so I gotta sit back here for it to make sense-
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