Reposted _Ecstasy_
cess_is_weeb_ pink and yellow. because why not.
QueenofPigz Purle red and black -v-
flatmemes Orange except ur not adorable (no offense)
memes_of_our_time Black
animal_lover3 Orange and teal
Kota_le_epic0411 Pink, grey, orange, and teal
_Ecstasy_ Guess a mix of all...
FreakingSPOOKY pink and orange
Alaby pink, yellow, black, teal and blue
Toppat Green 100%
Majin_Sebas Pink and orange but I don’t think you would die first in a horror movie
Emi_is_weird Grey and orange.
CEO_of_Waffles Pink, and Orange :)
cess_is_weeb_ pink and yellow. because why not.
• ReplyQueenofPigz Purle red and black -v-
• Replyflatmemes Orange except ur not adorable (no offense)
• Replymemes_of_our_time Black
• Replyanimal_lover3 Orange and teal
• ReplyKota_le_epic0411 Pink, grey, orange, and teal
• Reply_Ecstasy_ Guess a mix of all...
• ReplyFreakingSPOOKY pink and orange
• ReplyAlaby pink, yellow, black, teal and blue
• ReplyToppat Green 100%
• ReplyMajin_Sebas Pink and orange but I don’t think you would die first in a horror movie
• ReplyEmi_is_weird Grey and orange.
• ReplyCEO_of_Waffles Pink, and Orange :)
• Reply