I love making fun of disfigured people lmao
woter_melon_cat Same
KitsuneGato Thats funny but still crossing a line
Admiral_Radical Blud got this build
STAYSHINY Mb, posted a heart ❤️=😭
STAYSHINY C’mon, brobro, not a baby, Imagine what she’s gon go threw when she’s in school😭😭❤️
GlitchyGalaxy Dam that’s just mean man
MiceMouseTHEMEMER That’s mean bro
Grimmmm Damn I was gonna do zomboss and mega mind :(
DashyX Nah that’s wild
dead_unicorn Dude
woter_melon_cat Same
• ReplyKitsuneGato Thats funny but still crossing a line
• ReplyAdmiral_Radical Blud got this build
STAYSHINY Mb, posted a heart ❤️=😭
• ReplySTAYSHINY C’mon, brobro, not a baby, Imagine what she’s gon go threw when she’s in school😭😭❤️
• ReplyGlitchyGalaxy Dam that’s just mean man
• ReplyMiceMouseTHEMEMER That’s mean bro
• ReplyGrimmmm Damn I was gonna do zomboss and mega mind :(
• ReplyDashyX Nah that’s wild
• Replydead_unicorn Dude
• Reply