jaejae_thepoop Mario
memes_4_u_mahfriend XD
helicoptergobrr Luigi isn’t the negative, why does everyone make Luigi day the negative stuff?
greats_memes Facts
saesaetaylor Wigi forever
mem_es Follow me pls or your ... your ..... idk I don’t wanna be rude
old...account Dat baby cursed mother it craves mangos
ixnqity This is why Mario is usless
sansthecomic And THAT’S WHY I LOVE LUIGI
chickenstrip123 I fucking love this format
lovecarlisa What is mario and Luis doing
creepygal2020 Yup
ziip Yus
jaejae_thepoop Mario
memes_4_u_mahfriend XD
helicoptergobrr Luigi isn’t the negative, why does everyone make Luigi day the negative stuff?
• Replygreats_memes Facts
• Replysaesaetaylor Wigi forever
• Replymem_es Follow me pls or your ... your ..... idk I don’t wanna be rude
• Replyold...account Dat baby cursed mother it craves mangos
• Replyixnqity This is why Mario is usless
• Replysansthecomic And THAT’S WHY I LOVE LUIGI
• Replychickenstrip123 I fucking love this format
• Replylovecarlisa What is mario and Luis doing
• Replycreepygal2020 Yup
• Replyziip Yus
• Reply