Ananya_07 So relatable 🤣😅
yeetchomeet I skipped all of mine and I’m still almost not failing
Andre_Srg WTF so true
HeIpStopRickAstley I eat dicks
isthisdamemes AHHHHHHG
kev19912 Why is that so ture
Mister_Super aka, chaos
Marionette_1243 That dog with the Sirius face reminds me of someone in the flash oh wait I remember DR.WELLS HOW THE F DID U GET UP THERE
imryruto Lol
emerald_hunter 😂😂😂 Ive done this before and my whole class and i couldnt stop laughing
CocoCurliQ 🤣🤣🤣
Warden_of_Memes The dog one XD
no_longer_here fucking facts lmfao🤣
Kazzeroni Bro the Tyler1 picture has me dying 🤣
Ananya_07 So relatable 🤣😅
• Replyyeetchomeet I skipped all of mine and I’m still almost not failing
• ReplyAndre_Srg WTF so true
• ReplyHeIpStopRickAstley I eat dicks
• Replyisthisdamemes AHHHHHHG
• Replykev19912 Why is that so ture
• ReplyMister_Super aka, chaos
• ReplyMarionette_1243 That dog with the Sirius face reminds me of someone in the flash oh wait I remember DR.WELLS HOW THE F DID U GET UP THERE
• Replyimryruto
imryruto Lol
• Replyemerald_hunter 😂😂😂 Ive done this before and my whole class and i couldnt stop laughing
• ReplyCocoCurliQ 🤣🤣🤣
• ReplyWarden_of_Memes The dog one XD
• Replyno_longer_here fucking facts lmfao🤣
• ReplyKazzeroni Bro the Tyler1 picture has me dying 🤣
• Reply