Green pill
alicejones17 Tough choice… i choose purple
J0G3 R e d .
Adolf_Hitler_911 Bled
mydadwenttogetmilk Take both of them
deezmightynutz Blue all the way
two_trucks i meant i was taking red
two_trucks i am taking te btw why is my profile red eyed
WhoElseButDanielYT Blue
vanessa_fresa I’m taking red
American__fish Red even tho the other taste like blueberry
alicejones17 Tough choice… i choose purple
• ReplyJ0G3 R e d .
• ReplyAdolf_Hitler_911 Bled
• Replymydadwenttogetmilk Take both of them
• Replydeezmightynutz Blue all the way
• Replytwo_trucks i meant i was taking red
• Replytwo_trucks i am taking te btw why is my profile red eyed
• ReplyWhoElseButDanielYT Blue
• Replyvanessa_fresa I’m taking red
• ReplyAmerican__fish Red even tho the other taste like blueberry
• Reply